A Tale of Silent Depths is a turn based tactical RPG with roguelike elements set in a post-apocalyptic underwater world. Many generations have lived and died since the apocalypse happened, and the reborn by drowning mankind now survives in enormous submarines known as “Arks”. You are leading one of those, and must ensure survival of your small society through a sea of monsters, human or not.
The game consists of a vast ocean which you can freely explore while collect resources, craft items, build a drone army and fight enemies, such as sea creatures, pirates and other Arks. If you are unlucky, you might even face horrors beyond your comprehension. Or you might seek them, it is up to you. In Silent Depths you have the freedom to be a trader, an archeologist, a pirate or anything between or beyond. The important thing is to survive.
History of the project
Silent Depths development started at the end of 2021 with the approval of Tavern Tale in the StartBSB program. Since then, the studio has been on and off the project, and released a number of other games, but Silent Depths was always being slowly developed to some degree. With the approval of the project for funding from the local culture fund, we went back to the project and are aiming to release a demo for it soon.
We at Tavern Tale value accessibility a lot, and consider a must that it become a new standard in the indie games industry. It is something that is at the core of Silent Depths design and was also at some degree in our previous projects. We aim for A Tale of Silent Depths to be our “magnum opus” regarding accessibility so far, with a number of features as customizable settings.
The Silent Depths game was the core project when Tavern Tale was selected for the StartBSB program from FAP-DF (the Research Foundation of Distrito Federal – Brazil).
It was also selected for funding from FAC-DF (the Culture Fund of Distrito Federal – Brazil).